
INFORMATION_KERN getan wird, überhaupt geeignet ist, eine Auftragserfüllung unter den bestehenden Rahmenbedingungen zu gewährleisten. Erst, wenn das erforderlicheWAS feststeht, macht es Sinn, darüber nachzudenken, welche Prozesse dafür erforderlich sind und WIE diese Prozesse am wirtschaftlichsten ausgestaltet und durchgeführt werden können. Unter Wirtschaftlichkeitsaspekten muss dabei insbesondere auch eine konsequent an den Anforderungen des Auftrags ausgerichtete Ressourcenallokation realisiert werden, bspw. durch eine prozessorientierte STAN (Stärke- und Ausrüstungsnachweis) Gestaltung. Die Implementierung der Prozessorientierung erfordert einen Paradigmenwechsel - und damit die Bereitschaft der Führungsverantwortlichen aller Hierarchieebenen traditionelle Prinzipien der rein funktions- und hierarchieorientierten Organisationsgestaltung ein Stück weit zu verlassen. Es wird eine herausfordernde Aufgabe für die Anfang April 2010 eingesetzte Strukturkommission der Bundeswehr sein, hierfür den Weg zu bereiten. Service issued in November 2009 and the Instruction for the Implementation of Supervisory Visits by the Chief Joint Suopprt Service Officer in the Joint Support Service issued in January 2010 are first steps in this process. Secondly, all hierarchy levels must work consistently and plausibly on remedying the already identified sources of disturbance. Additionally, assignments in the fields of logistics, command support and domestic civilian-military collaboration selected in 2010 were analysed under the direction of the higher command echelons and integrating all relevant hierarchy levels of the Joint Support Command in a process-orientated manner. The integration of the Joint Support Service’s controlling is a major building block for this, as this is the only way to gain supportable data for quantifying the benefits of process orientation. ACCEPTANCE OF PARADIGMATIC CHANGE AS A PREREQUISITE FOR SUCCESS The results generated in the Joint Support Service show that the implementation of process orientation can contribute to a systematic improvement of quality and resource efficiency for the performance of assignments. However, to avoid a suboptimisation of the entire system it is necessary to review the assignment performance processes even beyond the boundaries of the Joint Support Service – both in other divisions of the Bundeswehr and together with various relevant security management players. One approach would be, for example, a process-orientated (accompanying and ex-post) analysis of planning, preparation, implementation and follow-up work for a largescale exercise like LÜKEX (see Griephan Global Security 01/08). But in order to really exploit the full potential of process orientation, it is necessary to use it not just in the operational field but also to adapt the Bundeswehr’s structures to the performance processes. It is not enough to try and make existing structures more efficient. One must rather – based on the Bundeswehr’s mandate – critically ask whether WHAT is being done is at all suitable to ensure the performance of an assignment under the given framework conditions. Only when the necessary WHAT has been agreed on, does it make sense to reflect what processes are necessary for this and HOW these processes can be designed and realised as economically as possible. And particularly from the economic aspect resources must be allocated consistently according to the needs of the assignment, e. g. by creating a processorientated TOE (Table of Organisation and Equipment). Implementing process orientation requires a paradigmatic change – and hence the willingness of all those in command on all hierarchy levels to depart from the traditional principles of a purely functional and hierarchy-based organisation structure to some extent. It will be the challenging task of the Bundeswehr Structure Committee appointed in early April 2010 to pave the way for this. Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. mont. Eva-Maria Kern, MBA Universität der Bundeswehr München Professur für Wissensmanagement und Geschäftsprozessgestaltung Bundeswehr University Munich Chair for knowledge management and business process design »Unter Wirtschaftlichkeitsaspekten muss eine konsequent an den Anforderungen des Auftrags ausgerichtete Ressourcenallokation realisiert werden.« »From the economic aspect resources must be allocated consistently according to the needs of the assignment.« © Caro/Oberhaeuser Übung/Exercise LÜKEX 2010 28 griephan global security 2/2010