Auszug | eb - Elektrische Bahnen 5 | 2021

202 Engineering Rail Power Supply 119 (2021) Heft 5 FACTS as basis of smart traction power supply systems with 50Hz nominal frequency Mahmoud Hassan, La Plaine Saint Denis (FR), Christoph Hinze, Erlangen (DE) The peculiarities of electrical traction systems and actual challenges are requiring an innovative and comprehensive approach. Therefore, a Smart Railway Power Supply is envisaged, based on several converter solutions to be applied individually for each use case. Within the EU-Project In2Stempo the existing concepts and technologies will be tested to achieve a higher level of technical readiness and application guidelines. FACTS als Grundlage intelligeneter Bahnenergieversorgungssysteme mit 50Hz Netzfrequenz Die Eigenheiten sowie aktuelle Herausforderungen der elektrischen Bahnenergieversorgung erfor- dern innovative, umfassende Lösungen. Ziel ist eine intelligente Bahnstromversorgung basierend auf mehreren Umrichterlösungen, welche individuell passend für jeden Anwendungsfall ausgewählt werden. Im Rahmen des EU-Projekts In2Stempo werden die bestehenden Konzepte und Technologien untersucht, um einen höheren Grad an technischer Reife zu erreichen sowie einen Anwendungsleit- pfaden bereitzustellen. Le FACTS comme base d’un système d’alimentation intelligent de la traction à 50 Hz Les particularités des systèmes de traction électrique et de leurs enjeux actuels nécessitent une ap- proche innovante et globale. L’objectif consiste en une alimentation en énergie de traction intelli- gente basée sur plusieurs solutions de convertisseurs, pouvant être mises en œuvre spécifiquement en fonction de l’usage souhaité. Dans le cadre du projet européen In2Stempo , les concepts et tech- nologies existants seront testés pour atteindre un haut niveau de maturité technologique et fournir des directives d’application. 1 Introduction 1.1 General Heavy load changes caused by the characteristics of train operation and the single-phase character of traction loads have always led to specific require- ments for traction power supply systems. Current challenges, such as climate change and cost optimi- sation with simultaneous rapid growth in traffic vol­ ume further increase the demand for innovative technologies in the 50Hz traction power supply. With Flexible-AC-Transmission-System (FACTS) seve- ral technical solutions based on power electronic components are available, enabling active control of the energy flow in a traction power system and thus providing a keystone of smart traction power supply. FACTS are used to extend or optimise conventional transformer substations as well as stationary installa- tion along railway lines. In the context of the chal- lenges faced by the SNCF Réseau and further Euro- pean railway operator, the possible applications and advantages of various FACTS are examined and eva- luated in the framework of the overall power supply system. With the EU project In2stempo , the efforts of several European railway operators and manufacturers are united to specify application possibilities and ad- vance the use of the technology to product maturity. 1.2 Conventional AC 50Hz 25 kV traction power supply – example of operations and topologies Electrical traction systems are distributing traction energy from the 3AC public grid to the electrical trains operated on a railway line. Providing the ac- tual power demand, ensuring power quality along the track as well as system and person safety are just some requirements an electrical traction system must fulfil. The electrical traction system consists of the con- tact line system and traction substations. The con- tact line system includes the contact lines ( 7 in Figu- re 1) as well as the return circuit along the railway line. Traction substation realise the electrical inter- face between the 3AC public grid and the contact line system as well as accommodating the control